Sunday 17 April 2011


The filming process was a learning one. Since I had no experience before it was an exciting and steep learning curve. When I first set out to make the film I really had no idea what I was in for and since I am a practical person I decided the best way was to go out and try it. The result can clearly be seen.

The piece was a dark fantasy film from the outset, this meant it had to include elements of horror as well as action, however, due to the limited timescale I was working with, I knew it would be hard to implement as much of each as I would want. Due to this I knew I would have to play around with the horror and thriller conventions.

The first element was darkness. The near total darkness that exists throughout the piece was intended to give the classic fear of the unknown and unseen which is common in monster horror films. The choice to not show the monster and mearly signal it's presence through sound was made because of a lack of tech capable of constructing the creature I desired. However, considering that the piece is an opening I feel it works well to hint at what is to come without explicitly showing it.

The other element taken was the use of the female as the surviving character. This plays upon the lone female and the vulnerability, but turns it on it's head by having her as the final survivor.

Foreshadowing was another important element and it used several times, the first is the advice Serridan gives to Meredith -hinting at a purpose later- the second was through Kane's speech which speaks of an individual who experienced the same as them, the same as Meredith will communicate to the other character's later in the film (past where this piece ends). The choice to cut Kane's speech off was done for thematic effect to the audience knew there was something to be warned about but not what.

The intended audience is in the 14-21 range aiming at a middle. The film should be aiming for a 12 rating and to this end bad language and actual blood was kept to a minimum. This effected the choice to have the character's die off screen in order to minimise violence. In order to attract this kind of audience we have made a diverse male cast and put a helping of violence in to boot. For the women we have a well dressed female character .

  The piece helps represent social groups which were present in antiquity. By having a multicultural cast it stops the traditional Caucasian view of history and allows for a more diverse view of history. It also represents different cultures and genders. Eastern and traditionally western cultures are shown: The witch hunter and the eastern ninja. It also showcases a female dressed in lavish clothing befitting of her station, which shows that women in such times did indeed have authority and power which is counter to the 'romantic' view of history.

To market this film I would go straight to videogame sites. It's that kind of fantasy loving audience who would be most likely to consume this product. I would then go with billboard advertising using the darkness of the film in order to make billboards which contrast the environment and draw attention.

It is likely a small independent studio would have enough of a budget to make the film and it would cater well to the fact that, this being a niche film, it is unlikely to have a wide release. It would also add to the feeling of the film as people would be more likely to support it and not view it with prejudice because of who made it.

From the project I learnt a great deal about film making, from digital editing to camera work and cinematography. I learnt how to utilise various night settings on the camera as well as what was appropriate lighting wise for a given scene, though this took much time and effort. I also learned alot about continutity as i was forced to shoot across multiple nights. That was the most difficult part of the process.

  From the amount of filming I did I also learned that it is better to shoot more rather than less because there were several instances such as with the long speech where the dialogue did not match so i was force to intercut various takes while cutting away to filler footage i had shot earlier.

  I also learned how to use multiple editing suits because the project got me interested in the whole process. From this i also learned about the rhythm of cutting and piecing things together so they flowed. From this knowledge i went back to do re-shoots to allow me to better help the flow. All in all the test edit was probably the most useful thing I did, because of the complex nature of what i was trying to put together it allowed me to get a visualisation of what was going to happen on screen and adjust my plans accordingly.

  On the cinematography side i learned how to compose shots like they were pictures so that each frame stood as an image on it's own. In this way I do believe that filming is an art, though it has a set of rules which, while i had to stick to them which was constraining in some ways, it is useful as a language to utilise to provoke responses.
All in all it was an enjoyable project. However, the way in which I was required to make this piece, target an audience and make what they want, begs a question: Does this method produce the best results? The answer remains to be seen.

Test edit

The one shot and steady cam

For the final shot I want a single take where every character except one disappears off screen and predetermined intervals. Much like how longer takes increase the wow factor in fight scenes and increase the immersion in dialogue scenes, this single take should add to the WOW factor of; Where are they all disappearing too??

However, using a hand held camera would simply not do because of the amount of sway. To this end I intend to build a steady cam for the camera using this design:

After a few weeks of searching around it proved impossible to find threaded pipe in any plumbing stores so I was forced to go to the manufacturers. Still I met with no success until I visited my last option, and lo and behold they had some. The man was nice enough to give it me for free because of the small quantity I wanted.

Paper work



Shadows in darkness will be the title for the film. It will be a dark fantasy thriller/ horror (leaning more to thriller).

The purpose of the characters in the introduction are to die, all save one who must survive to spread word of the danger. In order to add a sense of forboding to the opening and hinting at what is to come in the movie I will have one character recount their encounter with an individual who told him of the artefact they are searching for.

Two character's out in danger is too few so I will include two more in order to increase the plausibility of the film and make the evil seem all the more powerful because of the ease it deals with the group.

Character 1: Meredith
Meredith is a rich noble who fled from her home to seek treasure, ironic that it will be the search for treasure that leads her back to her home after the opening of the film. Her purpose is to survive and speak of the encounter.

Character 2: Furious Kane
Furious will play the part of the wandering mage who recounts the story he has heard of the artefact they are searching for.

Character 3: Serridan
Serridan's role is that of the master, he is meant to demonstrate how even a hardened adventurer can be dispensed with ease.
Serridan's role means he should be the most well equipped.

Character 4: Altar
Altar is simply there to bulk out the cast and die at an appropriate time.
Altar is a religious and pious man but dresses simply, uncaring of wealth.

Character 5: Vir
Vir's purpose is to speed the character's onwards to their death so as not to make the opening linger.
Vir is a ninja warrior and is garbed in black for that purpose.

Mise en scene
The setting will be an outdoor camp, it will be set at night and the darkness will be used to intesify the claustrophobia. The only sources of light will be fires and torches which should cast a redish light, since this is associated with Hell and burning it should do well to enhance the atmosphere.

A heavy amount of non diagetic sound will be used in conjunction with smart camera work to create a sense of tension and pace within the piece.

Camera work
A steady cam will be used, as well as a tripod and handheld work for some monster scenes.

We will open with the adventurers being watched. We will have a speech at the camp before the party departs and moves to their death.

Piece outline

A dark fantasy film where in a group of adventurers risk everything, in the pursuit of a legendary artefact.

The opening of the piece should set the tone for a dark fantasy thriller with elements of horror. It should introduce the danger that the character's will face later in the movie. To do this another group of character's will be required, one who's purpose is to die to prove the danger. This group will be the focus of the opening.

The piece should include suspense and relief with a climax at the end, the climax will be the death of the character's.

One character should survive in order to inform the main group of character’s in the movie of what is to come. I intend to play around with the conventions of horror by having the female character survive.

Mise en scene
Darkness should be a key theme here, which means it makes sense to either shoot in doors or outside at night. In doors would add claustrophobia.

Addendum: Due to the fact that to shoot in doors I need a period esque building I will be modifying my idea to work out doors because of a lack of success in finding an appropriate building to work in. Because of the change I will use the darkness to create a sense of claustrophobia.

Solomon Kane

After the questionnaire it seemed like a good idea to go and take a look at Solomon Kane to see what inspirations and knowledge I can draw from it, considering that it fits into the same niche I am aiming the current piece at.

Solomon Kane was produced on a mid range budget ($45 million) considering the scale of the piece and was written and directed by Michael J. Bassett who has directed more theatre than films. It met with a relatively low box office turnover, which may have been due to it's limited marketing budget and small release. Regardless of this though the film seems well constructed for what it does, albeit a bit distanced from the mainstream due to the authentic and unsimplified style.

The opening of the film acts as a set up for the events which follow in the rest of the film. They act as a story in and of themselves which sets the tone of the film as well as introducing plot elements which will re-emerge later. As such it works very well as an opening.

The visual style is dirty and authentic. There is a noticeable lack of flare compared to other big budget Hollywood epics such as 300 and it bares more resemblance to Lord of the rings in its visual style. The opening sequence is also mostly lit by torchlight or orange stage lights which give it a warm and almost hellish look, in keeping with the plot developments within. The rest of the visuals comprise what you would expect in dark fantasy. Dark colours, lots of leather rather than earthy cloths, bloodied and fit-for-purpose weaponry and lots of dirt.

The camera and editing work is nothing special, it does what it needs to do. The music highlights key moments such as Solomon fleeing the Devil's reaper (the monster sent from hell to collect Solomon's soul).

There are some nice visual elements in the opening and it acts as the beginning to the story, as you imagine it would. Other than that there is not a lot to say.

Addendum: There is some good central framing such as below:

As can be demonstrated by the following statistics, fantasy is a small but profitable niche of the movie industry. Horror always sells. In 2008-2009 it had double the profit for its percentage and in 2009-2010 it had a profit margin of five times its market share.
Large and big budget fantasy movies drive this craze and it also means that the competition is light, allowing for a lot of room more mid budget movies to enter the fray.

Follow up questions

  This the the follow up questionnaire I made to hone down my choices about the media.

Please fill out the following:

The following questionnaire concerns the development of a Fantasy action/horror film currently in pre-production. The aim of the questions is to gather audience opinion on what you wish to see in such a film and fulfil those desires.

Circle where appropriate, write on the dotted line when appropriate,

M / F
Favourite film
Favourite fantasy action horror film

What gender do you feel the lead should be? Male Female

Would you like a single lead or an ensemble cast: ….....................................

In a typical 90 minute horror-action movie how long would you expect the opening to be?

1 min 3 mins 5 mins 10 mins

What are the key concepts in a film like this (circle al relevant)

Violence Gore Sex Nudity Relationships

Realism Humour Fear Weapons Monsters


The questionnaire was given to twenty people to fill in. In general



Under 15

Favourite film
The mix turned up only two results of note. The first was the Dark knight with 5 and the second was Twilight with 4. None of the people taking the questionnaire listed a fantasy action-horror as their favourite film

Favourite fantasy action-horror film
There were only two films notable in this category. 5 participants could not list one. 4 listed 'season of the Witch' and 5 listed 'Solomon Kane'.

Type of lead
Interestingly the women mostly (7) voted for a female lead and an ensemble cast, with an almost perfect correlation. The men were similar but on the other side feeling there should be a single male hero. Possible error concerning understanding of the word ensemble.

Length of opening
Every single result was in either the 5 minute or 10 minute band.

Key themes


The themes data showed that the men were more likely to choose nudity and sex as well as gore. Women were more likely to choose Violence. There was an even split on realism.

After looking at the data it looks like my demographic enjoy: Monsters, violence, fear and gore. They expect a five to ten minute opening, which I can only do five of. And finally the trend was to an ensemble cast with a male lead. I will research the two listed films Season of the Witch and Solomon Kane and see what influences I can take.

Exploitation of the market

After the initial questionnaire it appears that the majority of my 14-21 aged responses called for a fantasy film. This is enough evidence in and of itself to choose that genre of film.

The reason for this is because the above age bracket is the most easily exploited of them all. They are young and dependent on their parents which means they have a high amount of disposable income which is not 'theirs' but 'theirs to spend'. This means they have no attachment to it because they did not earn it which means its only function is to be spent.

Secondly, we can apply marketing pressure from multiple angles: firstly we can market the film in such a way that parents will react badly to it, thus enforcing the teenager's desire to see it out of rebellion; next we can market it on the sites they visit and the places they go making it the 'cool' thing to do. This applies social pressure which young minds are more susceptible to. We can also focus on marketing the enjoyable aspects of the film without having to go into any greater meaning; this makes development easier because no difficult or engaging topics need to be handled.

To this end I intend to make a Fantasy horror movie. The horror element is because it came second in the favourite film genre choice.