Sunday 17 April 2011



Shadows in darkness will be the title for the film. It will be a dark fantasy thriller/ horror (leaning more to thriller).

The purpose of the characters in the introduction are to die, all save one who must survive to spread word of the danger. In order to add a sense of forboding to the opening and hinting at what is to come in the movie I will have one character recount their encounter with an individual who told him of the artefact they are searching for.

Two character's out in danger is too few so I will include two more in order to increase the plausibility of the film and make the evil seem all the more powerful because of the ease it deals with the group.

Character 1: Meredith
Meredith is a rich noble who fled from her home to seek treasure, ironic that it will be the search for treasure that leads her back to her home after the opening of the film. Her purpose is to survive and speak of the encounter.

Character 2: Furious Kane
Furious will play the part of the wandering mage who recounts the story he has heard of the artefact they are searching for.

Character 3: Serridan
Serridan's role is that of the master, he is meant to demonstrate how even a hardened adventurer can be dispensed with ease.
Serridan's role means he should be the most well equipped.

Character 4: Altar
Altar is simply there to bulk out the cast and die at an appropriate time.
Altar is a religious and pious man but dresses simply, uncaring of wealth.

Character 5: Vir
Vir's purpose is to speed the character's onwards to their death so as not to make the opening linger.
Vir is a ninja warrior and is garbed in black for that purpose.

Mise en scene
The setting will be an outdoor camp, it will be set at night and the darkness will be used to intesify the claustrophobia. The only sources of light will be fires and torches which should cast a redish light, since this is associated with Hell and burning it should do well to enhance the atmosphere.

A heavy amount of non diagetic sound will be used in conjunction with smart camera work to create a sense of tension and pace within the piece.

Camera work
A steady cam will be used, as well as a tripod and handheld work for some monster scenes.

We will open with the adventurers being watched. We will have a speech at the camp before the party departs and moves to their death.

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